Mobile Computer Repair | MobilePCMedics.comLife nowadays is more computer-dependent than ever. Whether for business or for personal use, your computer is probably the hub of almost everything you do. Scheduling and budgeting? That is an easy job for your computer. Lots of family photos? Stored on your computer, of course. Email, shopping, school work, you name it – it is all done on that laptop or desktop computer. When things start to go wrong, though, it can be hard to know when it is time to call in professional computer repair. Here are some things to watch out for.

The “Blue Screen of Death”

Yes, this is actually what it is called in professional circles, and yes, it can be fatal for your computer. It is an easy problem to spot but a hard one to recover from. If your entire screen is bright blue and your computer refuses to operate, it means the operating system has failed. If you are stuck on the Blue Screen of Death, you need serious computer repair immediately!

Computer Running Hot

All computers generate some heat while operating and they have fans and vents built in to keep air flowing and temperatures down, but these fans can break down, and vents can get clogged with dust. Too much heat can damage important parts of the computer. If certain parts are fried, you can lose access to you data or it can be lost altogether. If your computer feels hotter than normal, you should have it checked out before anything overheats.

Major Slow-Down or Freezing

The first time you used your new computer it seemed blazing fast compared to your old one. With more and more heavy programs installed, it has slowed down a bit, and this is normal. However if your computer suddenly starts freezing up or running much slower than usual, there may be serious software issues at play. Viruses and malware might be the cause. If you experience this problem you should seek professional computer repair as soon as you can.

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